Closing a globally and historically annual celebration of the departed,
we will focus in this dream circle in the ability and benefit of communicating with the dead, or, more broadly, transcending time/space limitations in dreaming.
Sharing dreams of the departed is welcome.
I'll offer a closing ritual that encourages the release of energy that is no longer beneficial, and honors the separation of the worlds of the living and the dead.
Donations are encouraged to support costs for the space, refreshments, and continuation of these meetings.
we will focus in this dream circle in the ability and benefit of communicating with the dead, or, more broadly, transcending time/space limitations in dreaming.
Sharing dreams of the departed is welcome.
I'll offer a closing ritual that encourages the release of energy that is no longer beneficial, and honors the separation of the worlds of the living and the dead.
Donations are encouraged to support costs for the space, refreshments, and continuation of these meetings.
Hosted by Caitlin Danenhauer
Every first and third Sunday of each month
Free for L.A. Fort members
$5-$15 for general public
Food & Refreshments Available
Every first and third Sunday of each month
Free for L.A. Fort members
$5-$15 for general public
Food & Refreshments Available