Caitlin Danenhauer
Yoga teacher/musician
Caitlin enjoys exploring self-expression and expansion through Yoga and music. She is especially passionate about creating connections between communities that can mutually empower each other. She's been able to pursue this passion as a video editor and team member of nonprofit Yoga Gives Back, which uses funds generated around the globe by Yoga practitioners to benefit extremely poor women and orphaned children in India. She has taught Yoga for six years and specializes in offering practices to beginners and students who have experienced trauma, and currently teaches with the local nonprofit Y.O.G.A. for Youth. She is currently excited to find ways to connect her musical projects with environmental protection.
Current Projects:
Yoga at The L.A. Fort
Dream School
List of Skills:
Yoga instruction (Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Nidra, etc)
active dreamwork
energy healing massage
natural healing techniques counsel
video editing